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Cards: 40
Journey of Souls
Clay Effigy2
Maze of Iyatiku3
Venomfang Mutant3
Meso Libre4
Orbital Jamming Satellite1
Wonder Drug2
Zolea, the Unclean1
Twin Junah1
Sapo, The Devourer1
Racer In Shadow3
Sword Saint3
Rogue Idolon1
Nine-Tailed Vixen1
Thriving Shade2
Jin-Sook, Dollmaster1
Master of Shadows1
Pushy Oni2
Spirit Away2
Celestial Dragon1



Deck Created

Nov 24, 2019

Mana Curve

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The early yellow card draw is amazing, doubling as stalling against aggro. If you have both Clay Effigy and Maze early on, prioritize playing Maze and saving or burning the Effigy. There are two reasons for this: Maze is an amazing early-game card, but a horrible topdraw later on. Effigy, however, is great later on, because it cycles itself for one mana and draws you a card on the same turn. Also, early Mazes come back through Journey of Souls later on for additional card draw.

Venomfang Mutant is one of the best 2-drops in the game, vulnerable mainly to Shadhavar Beast. Because of Blight, he can kill anything (eventually), and when he's on board unchallenged, your enemy's options are limited because of how bad it feels to play a minion into a guaranteed death to Blight. This aspect of psychological warfare is one of the Mutant's biggest strengths.

The Jamming Satellite is one of the deck's tools for dealing with enemy Masters of Shadows, but unlike some of the other Master of Shadows counters being played, the Satellite is useful in a very wide range of situations and never feels like a dead card. Suppression is very strong in general.

Vixen and Idolon are excellent control tools, and using Idolon creatively can decimate your enemy's game plan. Don't be afraid to get her on the board under less than optimal conditions. She's a huge threat in many different scenarios due to the strength lock and the Blast 3, both of which are supremely useful. Vixen's ability to resurrect Spirits is nice, but not in itself a reason for running her here; her lethality and health are more important.

Pushy Oni is insanely good, and a third copy might not be a bad idea. Use him to move stuff in front of Master of Shadows or Idolon or Vixen or a combination of those. Having Idolon next to Vixen is a fantastic setup for moving stuff in to be slaughtered. Thriving Shade is great tempo at 6/6 for 4 mana, and it even has a bit of Meso Libre "protection" built in, growing to 8/8 if stunned and not removed. These factors make me favor running a pair of those over a third Oni at the moment, but I'm not entirely convinced a third Oni wouldn't be more useful. Terragon is less exciting than either of those, but he's great because of the Overrun item he spawns, and his 6 health is fantastic.

Jin-Sook is highly versatile. Her -2/-2 debuff is a great tool for removing low-health minions and softening up larger targets, and her ability to move minions from side to side can be used to deliver the killing blow to your enemy, to move things in front of your Deadly minions, and to group things up for an Idolon blast. Her Brand is never applied but is theoretically extremely powerful.

Celestial Dragon is an outstanding threat that can quickly end the game if left unanswered. It's very important to think about the Immortal buff it gives to your enemy, and it's not a bad idea to have a backup plan. Jamming Satellite and Spirit Away are the main tools for dealing with Immortal enemy minions, and Misanthropia deals with it as well if all else fails.

This deck has a fantastic matchup – almost one-sided – against necromancer decks and a pretty good matchup against aggro. Its worst matchup is control, with its winrate being inversely proportional to how greedy the enemy deck is.

This deck has a high winrate on the ladder.