Check out the video here: (Coming soon!)
At it's core this is a Safehouse/Grand Finale build similar to the RP decks that are popular at the moment. But while RP build has the better forged minions for a finale, this deck has better removal and is better at keeping the board under control.
We also have some really cool undead synergies going on. Valr Smith is great since Finale puts it on the board and can pump up our other minions. The meme dream is to be able to play Berserkergangr into a Grand Finale, or a 7 Ring Ritual if you aren't picky.
Play it like a typical safehouse deck. Make those 1 for 1 trades early, draw cards off your path, then take over the board once you draw into your top end.
Fare thee well, and keep on Truckin.