Probably not as good as the YB version, which is where I started when shifting to R. But it's a bit different. Offers more mobility, and a bit of recursion. Its removal isn't limited to Blight either, thanks to Crimson Pact. Probably should go up to 3 of those. Extract Life has been... fine so far. Not amazing.
Fun, but not quite as well tuned.
Current thoughts and considerations: Shopworn Bull is mostly to put enchantments back into the deck once you've already burned them once. Solid body to bulk with Cradle too. I'd leave him as a control staple here. Fertile Cradle probably shouldn't be both copies. Serapis is an all-star. Mistwalker Gate has been surprisingly good too. Xiomara is fine, with a fair bit of enchantment synergy, but she's just a bulky body. She doesn't gain us life... She's fine I guess.