I'd wanted to do a defender style deck for some time, but thought, overall, it was a terrible idea, and it wasn't consistently good to play.
Winter war has given a few new cards that made me revisit this deck idea.
This deck is rather flexible, it can switch between aggro and control, and has a lot of tutor effects to help ensure your always making favourable draws.
The premise is simple: play a defender or two, blood idol is cheap, cheerful and normally ignored by opponents. Drop a non defender between them, golem hunter is a great choice here. Eventually you'll draw a key and/or banner.
The deck also generates token forgelings and Holcans so you'll have plenty of minions to chip/trade away with, as well as ways of buffing attack stats.
Your late game minions all gave decent effects, and were chosen for utility, board clearing, aggro pushing and coming back from low life
Oh, heres a code