This deck isn't my usual build or style, but capitalizes on trading/slaying opponents minions, to clear the way for fatal push.
I built this deck, mainly to toy with stealth, more specifically, minions that dont normally have stealth, and to see how my opponents respond.
This deck is a bit slower to start than I'd like it to be, turn 3 seems to be when I tend to play my first minion.
The deck has some good removal options in the form of muttonmorphosis, spirit away, jin sook, nine tail, master and armageddon angel, as well as some solid damage pushers, which make some unexpected plays.
The deserts do seem completely out of place, and are mainly there to help bleed extra lifepoints out of our opponents, and set up damage mitigation from mirage. The deserts do help sandscale wurm push damage through, especially if you create a desert for it after you've played it, and your opponent has shifted/played minion(s) to chump it.
Switch up's
Shimmer in the sand in place of mirage
It depends what you want from the deck - shimmer is a cheeky burn spell and damage source, whereas mirageb8s damage mitigation.
Danger Zone in place of muttonmorphosis
The deck has access to a fair bit of removal as is; and muttonmorphosis seems to be the most limited form of removal this deck packs, so can be easily swapped for danger zone - Koga imposter likes the danger zone.
Shinobi of fire is in here, because I think he's a reliable source of damage.
Now for the play I made by accident: behemoth on neo gangnam, followed up by armageddon angel. I just wanted to board wipe at the time, but was happy behemoth stuck around to help follow up.