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Cards: 40
Coliseum of Strife
Magpyre Commando4
Pack Mentality3
Magpyre Squad Leader2
Vicious Cycle2
Magpyre Enforcer2
Model of Duality1
Ollama Ring2
Magpyre Sniper2
Godsbane Transport2
Pack Trooper4
K-Nine Handler3
Raid the Tombs2
Led Astray2
Volkov Pointman3
Avenging Alpha2
Volkov Heavy2
Ved'ma Helicarrier2



Deck Created

Feb 24, 2021

Mana Curve

Rarity Counts

Type Counts



If you guys don't know, I really love canine. It feels awesome ramping and sometimes getting a 5 turn kill. There's only one problem... consistency.

Pure Canine is generally really aggressive in the early game, and hard drops after turns 5-7, especially if you don't keep a good momentum from early game. This is the only deck that I've found ok success with in Winter Wars. You're not going to hit high ranked levels with this, it's really cheap, and it MIGHT get you to gold - if you're good. But this deck isn't supposed to be super meta, just super fun.

Here's my mindset usually during turns 1-3: Keep minions on the board, have really strong board presence with 1 drops. I'll crowd some lanes if I have more than one pack trooper. If I draw a K-nine handler, I generally reshuffle - It's 99% unusable without the forged ability (You're not using this card for the armor, but for the draw to keep cards in your hand and cards on the board). Use any chance I get to effectively use pack mentality. Having a 5/5 or more on the board on turns 1-3 is insane, your opponent won't like it - trust me. (Also, I don't know if K-Nine handler armor procs with pack mentality - but I don't think it does for some odd reason, might be a bug). If I have avenging alpha, I'll look to set it up, by keeping a 1 drop weak. It's perfectly reasonable to lose a 2/2 or 3/3 for a 6/6. Magpyre squad leader is nice, but... it's ok. Probably the easiest card to switch out if you decide to.

Turns 4-7: "This is where the fun begins" If you still have more minions/creatures/soldiers or whatever than your opponent on the board, ramp, Ramp, RAMP. Put more on the board, don't let him put any down. Keep your minions healthy with mend or pack mentality if you need to. Magpyre Enforcer can create a TON of presence on the board, especially with pack mentality or volkov pointman. If you can pair any of the 4-5 drops with Magpyre Sniper, it's really difficult to deal with this combo. Sniper can be really strong, and also a game-ender. You can swap out Volkov Heavy with other types of minions - I like the consistency and versatility. Ollama Ring is to really bring down the hammer, if you're able to play this card without any consequences, you'll probably win. Model of Duality is like 90% useless, change it out as you wish. Maybe Sacrificial Alter, The Invisible City, or Belevode seems promising.

Path: Coliseum of Strife - it seems the strongest with this path. Especially with mend, your creatures are really sticky and can generally out trade your opponent. Other possibilities might be Rebellion Safehouse or Turn of the Seasons (Probably the go-to path if you don't know).

Power: Mend - As mentioned before, it pairs really well with Coliseum, I draw fairly often, probably the most often than any other path. Use it as often as you can ofc. Your top priority is to keep your minions healthy and alive. Like a true Volkov/Magpyre Commander!

MDMP = Military Decision Making Process: Step 1: Receipt of the mission Step 2: Mission Analysis Step 3 : Course of action development Step 4: Course of action analysis Step 5: Course of action comparison Step 6: Course of action approval Step 7: Orders production, dissemination & transition.

P.S Your Ved'ma Helicarrier and your godsbane tranport is your hail mary. If you're ahead, play ofc, but if you're behind, pray that you draw these 2.

I also made a video about this deck: