Hoard items try setup Hoarding Hero Mandatory Vigor one turn kills (Potion +2 dmg 0 mana Pike+3 dmg 1 mana Mantile of authority +4 dmg 0 mana for 1st mantle each other +3dmg) For max dmg setup Hero+Vigor+Squire Pike+4xHealing Potion+2xMantile of authority hit for 19 then use second Vigor hit for 17 (u need 10 mana and OOOO for this 10 cards each mantle over potion gives +2 dmg so max posible is 44 dmg)
For orange cards use GodisaGeek for purple cards use WholesomeHarmony code for blue cards use DISCORDNORDEN !
yellow cards PocketGamerAztlan