Oh fortuitous find!, Cognate of eratos, Graland arbor, Shopworn bull and Oak of dodona all enable Circus Toolbox finding perfect card for every situation and matchup. Versus reanimator find Satellite, after Misanthropia get Harpy-one on big board states look for Ollama ring to make favorable trades and Mend up. Need board reset get Giga or Misanthropia. Sneak in last points of dmg for lethal or finish off important artifact turn 5 mana yellow spell into Wings of abaddon. Opponent is on removal.deck go for dashing ringmaster 7rr otk combo. Someone stealing your stuff whit Pillage, Murmur find Doublespeak give lession about theft. Need card draw dig up Model of dualty or life gain get Wonder drug, Serapis. Topdeck war situation go for Vestai virago let medusa unleash army of forgelings. Oponent is on low hp but managed to block all lanes is time for Terror of ker to finish a game in style. Need to answer Master of shadows fatch up Barbed bolts. Versus control deck out grind them with Trident and Gama Sennin. Need tempo play versus otk combo deck push lethal before they use horn cheat summon Chimera. Opponent keeps grouping minions not respecting Magmar well you know what to do spawn Magmataur.
Until we get egg beliber nerf run 2 3 poxbringers cut flex cards.
Good silver bullet tech for rush add Red cliffs, for enchantment add Bastard of autolycus, for swarm token decks add Scourge of serpents and versus other fires deck use A56 ahtatl.
Flex spot Bob, Wonder drug, Clay effigy, Vestai virago.
For blue cards use DISCORDNORDEN for purple cards use WholesomeHarmony for orange use GodisaGeek code !
yellow cards PocketGamerAztlan