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BG Necro Junkyard
Cards: 40
Disk of Circadia
Berserkr Sickness2
Ravine Guardian3
Junkyard Valhalla1
Valkyrie Enforcer2
Volcanic Risi2
Living Mountain1
Grinning Kolobok3
Marching Orders2
Hopeless Necromantic4
Focused Frenzy1
Sablewing Zira1
Traitorous Murmur1
Chort Stag1
Indrik Beast2
The Recursionist1



Deck Created

Jul 22, 2020

Mana Curve

Rarity Counts

Type Counts



To be honest , there are a lot of downsides that come with playing such a deck, so let's have a look at them. First of all, we're relying on 5 cards to enable us to overpower our opponent, but additionally it takes another high cost card to work. (eyy you could add a brising necklace and remove a brainstorm if you want to have even better chances) This in itself is already bad, given that we could just never draw our Necromantics or Junkyard Valhalla, or draw them and none of our big minions. What's worse is that we want to have 1 out of 5 cards and additionaly 1 out of 6-8 cards in our hand by turn 3. If we don't have them, it's already going to feel like a struggle. Furthermore, our opponent could have some nasty removals that set us back even further and there is no way to deal with them. Dealing with deadly minions and other blockers is possible, but Seal of Exile, Detained, Valkyrie Enforcer or Spirit Away are perfect to ruin our plans and leave us open and vulnerable. To be able to fulfill our main plan, we have to draw our special cards, play them fast and hope that they don't get removed or bounced. If our main plan fails, which often times it will, we need to stall as much as possible so we can utilize our abundance of high cost minions to stabilize and win the game. Grinning Kolobok, if successfull, will help us achieve that goal faster. Well, that one is unreliable too but even 1 extra maximum mana can help a lot. So what are the good things about this deck? Imagine getting out a Kolobok on turn 1, discarding a Living Mountain on turn 2 and playing a Necromantic on turn 3. Further, that Necromantic dies at turn 4. We now have a 12/12 with Overrun on the board and if our opponent does not have an immediate answer, we threaten to hurt him badly. Additionally, we could even be threatening lethal given the possible Frenzy spells we run. But such games are rare and ideal. In reality, we will hopefully be able to use our reanimations to swing the tempo and force our opponent to play out all the answers they have, only to meet those answers with other big, threatening questions. Another good thing about this deck is that if we can get one of our big minions to stick around for more than one turn, we are usually threatening lethal. Let's look at things to consider and things to avoid:

  • Killing your own Necromantic with Berserkr Sickness. Oftentimes your opponent will evade and deny a trade-off, so killing it this way gives 4 Damage to the face and hopefully a large threat they have to take out.
  • Discarding 2 high cost minions. If you realize that your opponent is playing a slow deck and will probably have an answer by the time you reanimate, it might be wise to discard twice and have some backup. This also means getting another draw with divination, which enhances your chances of finding a Necromantic or a Junkyard
  • Using reanimation defensively: If your opponent is really aggressive, you could try to stall your way to lategame and put even larger blockers on board until he runs out of steam.
  • Be careful about your Draugr, he is very good against minion-centric decks, but tends to be weak when Disk is flipped to daytime
  • Avoid playing the Kolobok if your opponent has Rush or other easy clears for it. You especially do not want to have a Kolobok sitting on the bottom of your boneyard.
  • Not getting the Reanimation value early on is not that bad, shift your plans and enjoy the additional value it provides should you draw it
  • Don't let your opponent just hit your face in hopes of finishing him off a turn or two from now. They might be confident because he holds an answer to your threat.
  • Don't overextend because of a good hand. That hand might turn sour any moment should you bet on the wrong horse.
  • Speaking of wrong horses, Indrik Beasts is really not that strong. Hopefully stronger cards will come out to replace this most of the time dead horse
  • Use marching orders to force a trade-off. This can be quite a surprise for your opponent.
  • False Mjolnir is your enemy. You won't see it often, but it practically destroys all our dreams

Now, playing the deck might not be difficult, but there are some games where winning is possible even though the opponent is well equipped to whoop you. Experience will guide you through the more subtle lines of play.

Conclusion: The deck is a solid 6/10 and a lot of fun if you like these kinds of shenanigans, but really weak against the most popular stronger decks, especially to RO. In it's actual state it still has an experimental character, and some of the weaker cards could be exchanged for cards that provide more stability and control. Never actually rely on the reanimation part of the deck and you won't be as frustrated. This is a late game deck with potential early-game aggression, not a coin flip for easy wins. More experienced opponents especially know how to get out of these cheap tricks, so try to put some thought behind your plays and enjoy the one game out of a hundred where you smash a living mountain into their face by turn 5 :)