This is a pretty straightforward aggro deck with the power to knock the enemy out by turn 5 most games. The goal is to use the chip damage from mothmara and smite alongside the damage you can push through with overkill and the power steroid spells (honed edge, hysterical strength, gosblud transfusion) to produce an unrelenting assault.
When possible, try to use hysterical strength to avoid having to trade, rather than simply racing damage (unless you see lethal, of course). Flipping disk for slayer to trade up with mothmara – or trapezists to keep mothmara around – is also something to keep an eye open for. In general, don't worry about playing out your hand; the purpose of disk is to keep you drawing more spells and pushing hard.
Thunderclap, Magnus, Marching Orders, and Detained are all there to make sure you can make holes to push damage through. Trade when necessary, but never lose sight of the objective: every turn, deal them damage.