This is a very straightforward valk list. Got me to champ with 82w 38l at the start of the season (beta season III).
Valk plays as an aggro deck that want to take over the board with increasingly big minions, and use enchantement as combat tricks to keep the pressure on. You usually want to ignore blockers as much as possible but some minions like pup must be dealt with. Don't be afraid to use Sidecar on turn 3, especially if you can put it on cairnhenge, it forces the opponent to deal with it while setting up for getting it back later with ingrid. Use troll at your avantage to play around blockers, get favorable trade, and increase damage by switching your minions on enchantement to have them all get the benefit of the big enchants. Ingrid is totally busted and serve as a misanthropia insurance. Against red try to play her on a cairn/seahaven/giant's stairway, red has difficulty dealing with alpha strike and those enchant will make their main answer, magmataur, not able to deal with ingrid.
Aside from that? have fun bashing head with biker girls!