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Lord of the ring ring
Cards: 40
Journey of Souls
Clay Effigy2
Maze of Iyatiku4
Venomfang Mutant3
Meso Libre3
Ollama Ring1
Zolea, the Unclean1
Twin Blanque1
Twin Junah1
Sapo, The Devourer1
Extract Life2
Stray Panacea3
Firesong Prodigy2
Dashing Ringmaster2
Sea Lord's Trident1
The Oak of Dodona1
Wings of Abaddon2
Melinoe, Soul Shepherd1
Serapis, False Apostle1
Stairway to Hades1
Sideshow Chimera1
Seven Ring Ritual1



Deck Created

Mar 29, 2020

Mana Curve

Rarity Counts

Type Counts



( deck update : Removed one ollama (no ollama might actually be right) because of ringmaster nerf, and removed trap in favor of venomfangs and firesong as a result )

YR control was always a good option, but with panacea and serapis buff it's looking to become a strong contender for one of the most powerful control decks available. With 9 1drop cycling cards the deck can very consistently find misanthropia and reach it's top end while creating a lot of roadblocks for the opponent. It also boast impressive lifegain even without wonder drug because of extract life, panacea and serapis. Later on you'll try to win using ollama ring to strengthen your board and a lot of card that profit from it overwhelming the opponent. If that isn't enough to finish them off ringmaster can serve as a finisher with chimera, 7RR or melinoe.

Burn are pretty easy, just burn your high cost cards and ringmaster in the early turns, the cycling cards will make sure they come back soon enough. Later on focus on burning your low quality minions you draw from journey. Getting to 3 yellow gem to play misan can be tricky and you might have to do some sacrifices (alternatively magmataur can often gain you a lot of time), but the deck can sit at 3Y after that without too much worry. 4Y is more comfortable sometimes though. Having more red lategame can help playing ringmaster with other cards. it also allows to play extract life and still be able to play some red cards.

The deck is quite vulnerable to thunderclap though, blowing out the chump blockers and killing trapezists or abaddon, and later on 7RR. Once ollamas are out though this weakness is greatly reduced.

The deck is still a work in progress. It can be lacking a bit of draw in some cases in which case you need to be careful not to overburn. I also had to drop some cards that are very much appealing like scourge of serpent, the second twin. Ichor and melpomene muse, aswell as goliath webs and zolea. Increasing the number of venomfang for a more solid early game is also tempting.

Some spots are also questionable. Abaddon is still a pretty good card but I could see it be removed. Sea lord's trident is very much experimental but seems to do some work against control, and make up for the lack of draw. Melinoe is kinda the same, alternating between game winner and below average. Stray panacea itself can sometimes be rather awkward if the opponents doesn't deal with it. And playing so many chumps can be a big problem against purple if they run balance.

Still, despite all this the deck is very consistent and powerful and I really recommend it.