Here is a Red/Orange Purple splash deck for anyone who is feeling the Bern!
With turn of seasons, you'll be sure to draw an extra card this coming November! Since healthcare is a human (elf, troll, etc.) right, mend will definitely bring power to the people! With hysterical strength, Solomon's Gale will ignite this campaign with winds of change! Finally, a candidate with conviction you can be juiced about!
Now that Firesong Prodigy is a-woke, she won't stop asking if you want to Bern! While some supporters may seem a bit reckless, their fiery passion beats the dead-eyed look of naysaying detractors! Even zealous opponents have become sympathizers and are tempted to reach across the aisle! While some folks may be hedgeing their bets on other candidates like an insurance broker, Ourania muses' hindsight from 2016 is weary of such calculated risks!
Don't listen to those who call this movement extremist: a halcyon decree will keep the peace while Magmataur will ensure that lanes are clear as we march down the road to destiny! Make sure to stay Xersian observant for any irregularities so that your voice doesn't become a storied martyr to the political process!
Regardless of who or what you support, please make sure to vote, volunteer for, and/or donate to, issues that matter to you so that your voice is heard! I hope my little slice of meme deck hilarity brings you all a bit of fun!