This is a stupidly fast aggro deck. Nothing can race faster than us!
We're trying to curve out and develop our "pack" while burning our enchantments.
Use the enchantments to take good trades and sneak damage through with Speedway and Seahaven (which is also a great defensive enchantment due to armor 2).
Use Junkyard Valhalla to keep yourself from overcommitting if you think the opponent has a Misanthropia or another destructive board clear.
Marching Orders can be used early if they don't have hard removal and try to contest the "pack" as well as a great lethal tool. It can also be used to move a Kolobok or Hopeless Necromantic away from our "pack" to deny value.
Find sweet lethals using Beserkr Sickness, Allfather's Horn, Demolition Speedway, Infuse, and Marching Orders.
Beserkr Sickness is also a great tool with Volkov Veteran to kill a small minion which will buff it and then trade into a bigger minion.
We can use the Coin from our Pursuit to Horn on turn 5 or play an early Volkov Heavy.
Side Note: I tend to play Heavy away from the rest of the "pack".
I've had 5-6 games where I did 20+ damage lethal on turn 4 while most games are over by turn 8. It has a good matchup against RO and most of the meta decks. Starting hand can be awkward with so few 1 and 2 drop minions which I'm still trying to refine.
I will be making YouTube content for this deck soon because it's by far the most competitive canines deck I've made!
NOTE: Horn was nerfed and is no longer viable in this list. Also, feel free to sub Magnus or Kara in for Valhalla because those cards can just win games on curve :)
Gameplay footage here: